刘丹Daniel Liu

科技中心主任兼计算机教师,来自清华附中一体化学校。西南大学计算机与科学学院信息技术专业和英语专业双学位,英语专业八级。美国大学理事会College Board认证教师、美国计算机科学联赛指导教师、信息学奥赛指导教师、STEM学科竞赛指导教师。曾带领学生参加全国创·造大赛、未来之城、ACSL等国内外大型比赛并获优秀指导教师称号。长期从事STEM、创客和编程教育,发表过多篇学术文章,且有多个精品教学案例被中央电教馆、省市教育局等机构收录。

Director of Tech Center, ICT Teacher, graduated from Southwest University China holding TEM 8, used to work at Tsinghua Education Group. He is a College Board certified teacher, an instructor of the American Computer Science League, an instructor of the Informatics Olympiad, and an instructor of the STEM related competitions. He trained many students who have achieved very good results in the National Creation Competition, Future City Competition, ACSL and so on. He has been engaged in STEM, maker and programming education for a long time. He has published many academic articles and has several high-quality teaching cases that were included by MITP.

Raja Marwah


Secondary School Vice Principal, Secondary ICT Teacher, from India. He did his Bachelors in Information Technology, then Master in Software Engineering and continued to extend his learning by recently finishing Master in Applied Learning and Teaching secondary focusing on Computer Science and Math. He studied and worked inUKand served as a teacher for 7 years in China. He does consider himself a highly motivated professional educator with extensive experience, knowledge and skills in Computer Science, Cross-curriculum Project-Based Learning and specializing in Technology, integrated teaching and learning. He has curated and administered a school-wide project-based learning program, which he firmly has a passion for and has been his area of interest throughout his educational career.

Jeffrey Chang

来自美国,计算机教师兼班主任。马里兰大学帕克分校(University of Maryland College Park)电气工程学士,持马萨诸塞州计算机科学教师证书,曾在多所学校任教,可成功运用PBL方法论,帮助学生理论联系实践进行学习。Jeffrey致力于创造一个充满活力的学习环境,培养学生好奇心、创造力和批判性思维。热爱烹饪,喜欢制作衣服和鞋类等手工艺品等。他认为手工艺的原则可以应用于生活的所有领域,包括把这些价值观融入于教学中。

ICT Teacher, Homeroom Teacher, comes from the United States. He earned his degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland College Park, where he developed his love for technology and innovation. He is a licensed computer science teacher in Massachusetts and has taught in various schools, implementing PBL methodology to help students learn through hands-on experiences. Jeffrey is dedicated to creating a dynamic learning environment that fosters curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking.  In his free time, Jeffrey enjoys exploring his passion for culinary arts, particularly pizza-making. Additionally, Jeffrey is an avid learner and enjoys studying the craftsmanship of bespoke tailors and shoemakers. He believes that the principles of craftsmanship can be applied to all areas of life, including teaching, and he often incorporates these values into his teaching methodology.

刘京林 Lynn Liu


Secondary Science and Technology Teacher. He has been engaged in science and technology teaching, research, and teacher training for more than ten years. He has rich teaching experience and a profound understanding of the teaching of science and technology courses, also the concept of science popularization education.

张天启 Edwin Zhang

科学教师兼科技中心科普教师, 多伦多大学天体物理系以及数学系双学士。化石猎人,对北京地区化石资源有详细的了解,并有多项重要发现。长期进行北京地区的昆虫采集和标本制作,有自己的北京蝴蝶标本图鉴。多年在自然科学培训机构和夏令营担任指导老师,擅长拓展学生对自然科学的兴趣,深受学生喜爱。

Science Teacher, Tech Center Teacher, received Bachelor’s degree in Science from University of Toronto, double major in Astrophysics and Mathematics. He is a fossil hunter with extensive experience and major contributions in Paleobiology of Beijing; long term insect specimen maker with a personal picture guide of Beijing butterflies. He had been an instructor at natural science institutions and summer camps for years. He is good at expanding student’s interests in natural science, and deeply loved by students.

秦琮瑶 Carrie Qin

ICT教师兼班主任,在香港大学教育科技专业(Information Technology in Education)获得硕士学位(MSc),具有高中信息技术教师资格证书和NCT编程能力等级测试评审证书。曾在国内知名的互联网教育公司担任课程设计师和主讲教师,专注于编程课程的设计与讲授,提倡跨学科学习,擅长将理论与实践相结合,以激发学生的创造力和解决问题的能力。

ICT Teacher & Homeroom Teacher, has obtained a master’s degree from the Information Technology in Education program at the University of Hong Kong. She holds a high school Information Technology teaching qualification certificate and the NCT professional accreditation certificate. She once worked as a course designer and teacher at a renowned internet education company, focusing on the design and teaching of programming courses. She advocates for interdisciplinary learning and is adept at combining theory with practice to stimulate students’ creativity and problem-solving abilities.