清香讲座预告 | 愚公移山与文人造园


The parable of Yugong Moves Away the Mountains represents an important mode of human behavior and intellect – the deconstruction of the world in modularity. This is the basis for the value of human life beyond the length of human life. The example of the Scholars Build the Gardens represent another way of being with the world – constructing models of the ideal world.


On the evening of January 21st, from 19:00 to 20:00, Mr. Lian Xiaogang, the founder of the Architecture Department of Tsinghua University and the founder of the “Hundred Creations Academy”, will introduce and compare these two modes of behavior, and further discuss them in the context of his work as a teacher, researcher, curator, etc. He hopes to bring the audience an insight into life and mind. We hope to bring you inspiration in life and mind.



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