AP CSP students got high scores

2023年7月5日下午5时许,美国大学理事会(College Board)全球同步发榜,同学们激动地收到了自己期待已久的AP考试成绩。从全校整体成绩来看,清香历来注重学术质量与学生培养的传统,也给家长和社会交出了一份满意的答卷。

At about 5 p.m. on July 5th, 2023, College Board released AP scores synchronously, and students were excited to receive their long-awaited AP exam results. From the overall performance of the school, Tsingxiang has always emphasized the tradition of academic quality and student development, and has also provided satisfactory answers to parents and society.





In Tsingxiang’s first year of grades 9-11, there were a total of 49 students who participated in 68 exams and performed excellently overall, with outstanding highlights:

Tsingxiang participated in a total of 14 subects in this AP exam. 

A high score rate of 70% with a score of 4 or above

The high scoring rates of 4 and 5 are outstanding, reaching a level of 70%, reflecting the students’ strengths in various disciplines.

接下来,我们一起看看在AP CSP课程中带领学生们取得好成绩的Raja老师的小结吧:

Next, let’s take a look at a short summary from Mr. Raja, who led his students to great results in the AP CSP program:


Throughout the course, students are exposed to a wealth of resources, including textbooks, online materials, and interactive platforms. However, the true essence of their learning lies in their active participation and engagement. Our AP Computer Science course encourages students to work on various hands-on projects, fostering their creativity and practical problem-solving skills. These projects are designed to simulate real-world scenarios, challenging students to apply their knowledge in innovative and practical ways. By engaging in such activities, students gain a deeper appreciation for the power of coding in addressing real-world problems, further enhancing their learning experience.


Let’s congratulate Mr. Raja and his students for their achievements!

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