STEAM活动|桌上班列驰骋迷你世界Desktop Train Runs in the Mini-World
- 学术荣誉 | 牛津大学编程思维挑战赛,清香学子初战告捷
- 学术荣誉|清香学子夺取全国青少年科技教育成果展示大赛多枚奖项并晋级全国赛!
- STEAM活动|桌上班列驰骋迷你世界Desktop Train Runs in the Mini-World
- 喜报 | 教育部白名单赛事,清香学子再夺金!
Our exciting STEAM program, Desktop Train has officially launched! Through the students’ pre-planning, preparation, and design, the project is now moving forward in an organized manner and making new progress.

The world of desktop trains that the students built together is now able to run, and it will carry our dreams and creativity through the carefully designed mountains, valleys, cities, and villages.

This mini world will not only show a variety of geographic landscapes but also present a wonderful scene of the changing seasons through clever design. As the train slowly passes through the flower fields of spring, the hot streets of summer, the colorful maple forests of autumn, and the snow-capped mountains, it seems as if time is flowing through our fingertips.

At present, the train tracks have been laid, winding and stretching into the distance. The beginnings of the mountain tunnel and the airport have also been constructed, and they are quietly awaiting the arrival of the shuttle train for this desktop adventure.

We named this wonderful project Vita, every track adjustment, every scenery arrangement, every scene design, all of them gathered everyone’s sweat and wisdom.Vita is not only a model world, it is the crystallization of our imagination and creativity. Let’s look forward to the arrival of the modeling world in THISDL!