清香讲堂 | 邂逅未来之城,遇见最好的自己
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- 清香讲堂 | 邂逅未来之城,遇见最好的自己
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Skyscrapers, traffic and lights …… Does the city look like this to you? Have you ever wondered what the city will look like in ten years, twenty years or even a hundred years from now? Or would you like to be the designer of the city of the future? Do you want to turn brilliant and colourful ideas into reality?
On the evening of 9 April, Mr. Liu Dan from THISDL led us to explore the mysterious and interesting city of the future. In the short one-hour lecture, Mr. Liu revealed the story behind the seemingly unattainable Future City from different aspects.

刘丹老师,清华附中稻香湖学校的计算机教师兼科技中心负责人,毕业于西南大学计算机与科学学院信息技术专业和英语专业,美国大学理事会College Board认证教师、美国计算机科学联赛指导教师、信息学奥赛指导教师、STEM学科竞赛指导教师,曾带领学生参加全国创·造大赛、未来之城、ACSL等国内外大型比赛并获优秀指导教师称号。
Liu Dan, computer teacher and head of Science and Technology Center of THISDL, graduated from School of Computer and Science of Southwest University majoring in Information Technology and English, certified teacher of American College Board, instructor of American Computer Science League, Instructor of Informatics Odyssey, instructor of STEM discipline Competition, He has led students to participate in National Innovation and Manufacturing Competition, Future City, ACSL and other large competitions at home and abroad and won the title of excellent instructor.
First of all, Mr. Liu introduced what the Future City project is all about. Future City a is a world-renowned STEAM education program that has been in existence for 30 years. Each year’s challenges are focused on issues of common concern to humanity, including the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and are designed to inspire young people to develop an interest in science, technology, engineering, humanities and mathematics through project-based learning, to develop their ability to apply interdisciplinary knowledge, complex real-world problem-solving skills, and to develop innovative thinking, international perspectives and citizenship.
Then Mr. Liu introduced the Future City project from four aspects: study, research, creation and display.
In the early learning process, the most important thing is to build the STEAM knowledge system. From urban foundation to climate change to engineering process to the final model making, every step has a very detailed plan. Any negligence may cause the final failure. Mr. Liu also shared the stories of architectural master Wang Lei, architecture professor Pan Minglü and architecture Doctor Zhao Chunxi who provided professional guidance and encouragement to the students. It was with the encouragement and guidance of teachers from all subjects that the students brainstormed and put their ideas together, and finally completed a project called “Loulan New City”.
Imagination is the first step to science. But modern science and technology are needed to turn imagination into reality. With the big picture in place, the next step is specific research. From research objectives, question collection, data research, and the final report, the students have done a lot of research and learning. Mr. Liu gave the example of the “Thousand Dragons spitting water” urban drainage system inspired by the Palace Museum’s drainage system. This encourages people to be thoughtful and get inspiration from everyday life. The urban system built by the students also includes an elaborate “Tianta” hydropower station and “Chaoyangfeng” (meaning tidal, solar and wind energy) energy harvesting facility. Through data analysis, scientific combination and re-creation, the students develop these typical principles into the indispensable foundation for the construction of “Loulan New City”.
In the process of urban construction, students not only need to do a lot of literature reading, but also need to do a lot of investigation and research, in the process of not only exercise students’ action ability, but also greatly improve students’ thinking logic and teamwork ability. The whole process of creation is a process of creating beauty and discovering beauty.
Next, Mr. Liu showed the final “Loulan New City” after a semester of hard work.

Because the design is a city, every aspect needs to be considered: what the city looks like, what facilities it has, where the energy comes from… All require careful consideration by the participants.
Finally, Mr. Liu showed us a bilingual micro-video created by the students. In the video, two Loulan tour guides take a mysterious woman with a special mission to visit the entire Loulan New City. At this point, the team members expanded their knowledge of media, screenwriting and acting. At the end of the video, the mysterious woman reveals her identity and says she is willing to stay in Loulan New City. Perhaps, from a project, to understand a variety of knowledge from science to speech, gain friendship, enhance self-confidence, is the greatest happiness and achievement of children!
讲座最后刘老师鼓励学生们说道,“如果不尝试,你永远不知道自己热爱什么;如果不坚持,你永远无法相信自己有多优秀”。另外刘老师也提前预告了2023清香暑期STEAM PBL项目式科学创造主题营,欢迎有兴趣的同学踊跃参加。
At the end of the lecture, Mr. Liu encouraged the students, saying, “You’ll never know what you love until you try. You’ll never believe how good you are if you don’t stick to it.” In addition, Mr. Liu also announced 2023 THISDL Summer Camp STEAM PBL project-style science creation theme camp in advance. Students who are interested are welcome to participate.