学术荣誉|清香学子在加州伯克利大学编程挑战赛中荣获佳绩Academic Honors | THISDL Students Excel in California Informatics Competition

学术荣誉|清香学子在加州伯克利大学编程挑战赛中荣获佳绩Academic Honors | THISDL Students Excel in California Informatics Competition


清香学子在VEX IQ竞赛中摘金夺银,赢得美国公开赛资格Students from THISDL Won Gold and Silver in VEX IQ Competition, Securing a Spot at the U.S. Open

清香学子在VEX IQ竞赛中摘金夺银,赢得美国公开赛资格Students from THISDL Won Gold and Silver in VEX IQ Competition, Securing a Spot at the U.S. Open


一次创新与协作的难忘体验——2024上海黑客松比赛An Unforgettable Experience of Innovation and Collaboration :Memories of Shanghai Hackwell 2024

一次创新与协作的难忘体验——2024上海黑客松比赛An Unforgettable Experience of Innovation and Collaboration :Memories of Shanghai Hackwell 2024

热烈祝贺我校高中部的四位同学:谢家正(George Xie)、张博尚(Joe Zhang)、许乐添(Chery…

喜报|我校芦家仪和张奕宸同学在乐高FLL亚太冠军公开赛中荣获一等奖 Our students won the first prize in the Lego FLL Asia-Pacific Championship Open Competition

喜报|我校芦家仪和张奕宸同学在乐高FLL亚太冠军公开赛中荣获一等奖 Our students won the first prize in the Lego FLL Asia-Pacific Championship Open Competition
