我的STEAM作品My STEAM Project
本文已收录到specialized courses专题
- 编程竞赛班Programming competition class
- 科技中心学生成长路径Student learning path
- 我的STEAM作品My STEAM Project
- 未来之城Future City
作者:G9-1 陈九兴
Author: G9-1 Jiuxing Chen
The midterm project for our STEAM class was to select an antique porcelain piece, create a 3D model with Blender, and present both the production process and personal reflections. Our teacher introduced various methods for creating 3D models of porcelain in class and provided abundant reference materials to help us understand different aspects of antique porcelain more thoroughly. After studying these resources, I also researched additional information online and finally decided to create a model of a “Yongzheng period (Qing dynasty) famille-rose ‘bat and peach’ olive vase from the Jingdezhen kiln.” I made this choice because I was deeply captivated by the vase’s fascinating history.

This vase was crafted at the Jingdezhen imperial kiln under the supervision of Tang Ying during the Yongzheng period (1723-1735). Later, it ended up overseas and was even used as a lamp base, with the bottom nearly drilled through. In 2002, at an auction in Hong Kong, Ms. Zhang Yongzhen purchased it for 41.5 million HKD, setting a world record for Qing dynasty porcelain auctions. Ms. Zhang then generously donated the vase to the Shanghai Museum, saying that Shanghai, her hometown, was the best place for this precious artifact to be housed.

In the process of creating the 3D model of the vase with Blender, I didn’t encounter many difficulties, as our teacher had already taught us the basic techniques in class. However, when it came to adding the underglaze blue double circle with the six-character mark on the base, I had to carefully insert an appropriate image and ensure a seamless transition between the base and the body of the vase, which took extra time. Additionally, despite extensive searching, I couldn’t find an exact match for the flat image of the original vase, so I had to settle for a similarly patterned round plate image, which left a slight sense of regret. During my image search, I was especially impressed by a photograph of the vase displayed at the Shanghai Museum, so I aimed to render a similar effect in my model.

在完成这个项目的过程中,我不仅学会了如何使用Blender创建3D模型,还对中国瓷器和景德镇官窑有了更深入的了解。此前在博物馆参观时,我只是一瞥而过,从未真正体会到瓷器的内涵。而如今再次欣赏瓷器时,我看到的不再是简单的介绍和表面的精致,反而是瓷器所蕴含的博大精深的中华文化。此外,我对督陶官唐英也十分敬佩。他在管理景德镇御窑的二十余年间,潜心研究制瓷工艺,所烧制的瓷器都极其精美。他还将丰富的制瓷经验编纂成书,成为我们今天研究景德镇制瓷史的重要文献。张永珍女士的爱国精神也让我深受触动。她高价竞得瓷瓶后曾说:“花瓶终于又回到了中国人手里,真的很开心。我不希望这独一无二、具有历史传奇的珍品再次流落海外,因此今天我将它捐赠给国家。” 当我看完这背后的故事,并怀着崇敬的心情进行三维建模的时候,一种沧海桑田的感觉油然而生。橄榄瓶坎坷的经历,也正是中华民族不屈的写照。致敬先辈,致敬心系祖国的人们,吾辈当自强。
Through this project, I not only learned how to use Blender to create 3D models, but I also gained a deeper understanding of Chinese porcelain and the Jingdezhen imperial kiln. Previously, I would only glance at porcelain exhibits in museums without appreciating their deeper significance. Now, when I look at porcelain, I see more than just descriptions and intricate details, but the profound culture embedded within Chinese porcelain. I also developed great respect for Tang Ying, who managed the Jingdezhen imperial kiln for over two decades. He dedicated himself to refining porcelain techniques, producing pieces of exceptional quality. He also documented his extensive experience, creating valuable literature that remains essential to the study of Jingdezhen’s porcelain history. Ms. Zhang Yongzhen’s patriotism also left a lasting impact on me. After purchasing the vase at such a high price, she said, “I’m very happy that this vase is finally back in the hands of Chinese people. I don’t want this unique and historically significant treasure to end up overseas again, so today I’m donating it to our nation.” When I finished reading the story behind the vase and created its 3D model with a sense of reverence, a feeling of the vastness of time arose within me. The turbulent journey of the olive vase reflects the unyielding spirit of the Chinese people. While we pay respect to our ancestors and to those who are devoted to our country, we must strive for self-improvement constantly.